Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Berry Lemonade Slush

Monday, June 29, 2009
Smoky Cheese Ball

Prevent Home Burglaries
1. Put indoor lights on a timer(available at hardware stores) and install motion-detecting outdoor floodlights.
2. Trim bushes to make your house more visible.
3. Cut back tree branches near windows:thieves may climb them to gain access.
4. Have a neighbor get your mail and paper.
5. Keep your curtains slightly open so it appears as if someone's home.
6. Lock all windows and doors, especially the deadbolts.
7. Leave a car in the driveway.
Hope these tips help you have more peace of mind on your next vacation.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Food Covers

picnic table only to find it covered in pesty flying objects. This will help keep you food covered and ready for you .
Colored burlap
Wooden beads (2 colors)
1. Determine the bowl you would like to cover and measure its diameter.
2. Add 8 inched to your bowls diameter and cut the burlap into a square.
3. Fray the edges of the burlap about 1 1/2 inches up from the edges. Repeat on all four sides .
4. Spaced out every inch, thread approximately 5 strands of the burlap through your bead.
5. Knot these strands to secure the beads.
6. Repeat on all four sides.
Do them up in different colors to make your table scape.
Mexican Salad

This Mexican Salad is yummy!! Cool and refreshing on these hot summer days. It got very warm all of a sudden. This should help cool you down.
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
3 cups raw or cooked fresh corn kernels
1 can black beans, rinsed
3 ripe tomatoes, cut in chunks
1 each green and red bell pepper, chopped
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
Preparation :
1. Mix oil , lime juice, salt and pepper in a 2 1/2 qt serving bowl
2.Add remaining ingredients:toss gently to mix and coat.
Serve with sour cream and taco chops, or roll up in a warmed flour tortillas.
Enjoy !!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lighten Up Your Purse

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Scented Bath Salts

What you need:
2 cups Epson salts
1 cup baking soda
large bowl
lavender scented oil
2x4 inch scrap of white cotton fabric
food coloring
cookie sheet
ribbon baby spoon
How to Make it:
1. In a large bowl mix 2 cups Epson salts and 1 cup baking soda. Dab a few drops of lavender scented oil onto a 2x4 inch scrap of white cotton fabric and stir through mixture.Repeat with drops of food coloring. Continue mixing scented oil and food coloring until desired scent and color is achieved.
2. Spread salt mixture onto a cookie sheet for several hours stirring several times. Wash and dry the jar. Spoon salt mixture into jar.
3. Tie a baby spoon onto jar with ribbon
4. To use, dissolve several teaspoons of salt in bathwater.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Talented Daughter

My daughter Jennifer is drawing this picture of this lion by request of her husband Ben.
Jennifer has been pencil drawing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She has not had any formal training,I guess you'd say she was self taught. I find this so hard to imagine, (being able to draw like this ) when I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler.
She is very talented in many things, but I feel that she has out done herself on this one.
If you would like to see more of Jennifer's work she has a blog. jsjstudio.blogspot.com
Let me know what you think!! I would love to hear your comments.
5-Minute Birdbath

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Plastic Plate Cupcake and Cookie Stand

Just another idea for your 4th of July bash!! I am not real excited about the colors on this platter, but i think that it would look real darling in a red,white and blue theme. The dollar store always has ton's of plastic ware.
Materials needed : 2 large plastic serving plates
1 large plastic cup
Hot melt or craft glue
Take 1 large plastic plate and glue a large plastic cup to the plate as shown. Then glue the second plate(can be smaller) to the top of the cup to create a tiered platter.
You can also make these out of durable plastic disposable plates for easy cleanup.
Hope you enjoy these ideas and that it helps you create a pretty table scape for your summer outside fun.
Easy Wrapped Vase

Did you Know
Drinking 2 glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately
Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns.
Try chewing a couple of peppermint Altoids for a stuffy nose
Achy muscles from the flu- Mix 1 tablespoon horseradish in 1/2 cup of olive oil.Let stand for 30 minutes then apply as a massage oil.
Sore throat? Mix 1/4 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup honey and take 1 tablespoon 6 times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.
Just thought some of these ideas might help you the next time you are bothered with any of these ailments
Talented Husband

Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Heaven on Earth

In my daughter's words this is "Heaven on Earth" Pine Valley Utah. This is where my family loves to camp in the summer. I even have my cousin Pat sold on this place. You need to visit if you get a chance. It's gorgeous and the climate is great in the summer.
Eyeglass Necklace

Lace Edged Napkins

I thought these adorable napkins would add a nice touch to your summer dinners and special occasions
Materials needed :
13" square gingham or other fabric, or you can use plain finished napkins
1 1/2 yards of lace trim
Matching thread
1. Turn under edge of fabric 1/4". Press, turn under 1/4" again and topstitch and press
2. Pin lace header to right side over hem with lace outside. Start at a corner,folding small pleat to turn corners. Overlap and turn end under diagonally at last corner. Stitch around. Sew fold down.
I hope you enjoy these, they are so pretty done up. I think these would be real nice at a wedding or baby shower also.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A Treat for the Man in your life
With Father's Day just around the corner, I thought that I would give you an idea for his special dinner. I don't know too many men that don't like meat, even if it's on a salad. This dish only contains 9 grams of total fat , and 224 calories so it's healthy also .
You'll need :
1/2 teaspoon lime peel
1/3 cup lime juice
3 tablespoons water
4 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic minced
12 ounces beef flank steak
2 tablespoons powdered fruit pectin
2 tablespoons honey
6 cups salad greens
2 small tomatoes cut in wedges
1 small avocado
1. In a jar combine lime peel, lime juice 3 tablespoons water and olive oil. Shake well. Pour half of the lime juice mixture into a small bowl;stir in onion and garlic. Reserve remaining lime juice mixture.
2. Score the beef and place in a plastic bag with the remaining lime juice mixture. Marinate in the frig for 24 hours
3. For dressing , in a small bowl gradually stir 3 tablespoons water in the fruit pectin;stir in reserved lime juice mixture and honey. Cover and chill for 24 hours
4. Drain beef and grill on the rack of an uncovered grill. Allow 12 to 14 minuted for medium.
5. To serve, thinly slice beef across grain. Arrange the greens,tomatoes, and avovado on a salad plate .. Top with beef.Drizzle each serving with about 2 tablespoons dressing .
This recipe will serve 4 people.
Hope he enjoys this !!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Canning Jar Luminaries

Welcome to Helen's Corner
I am recently retired and now have the opportunity to do something fun with my spare time. My daughter Jennifer, has been blogging and has a website(we'll get to that later on)and has been urging me to share my thoughts and ideas with others. So I thought that I would get into the 21st century and start my own blog.
My daughter designed this beautiful blog for me,(did'nt she do a great job),so i hope you will log on from time to time and check it out.
Let me know what you think !! Leave me some comments, i would love to hear from you .