Embroidery Organizer- When working on a project you will save time if you keep the needles and threads you're using neatly sorted and separate from the rest of your sewing supplies. File them in a clear 9 inch loose leaf binder with plastic pocket envelopes to hold various threads, small scissors, patterns and instructions. A hole punch is used to make a page of heavy felt to hold needles. Choose a larger loose leaf binder for your more elaborate projects.

Measuring Table- Any table or
counter top used for crafts or sewing projects will be improved by the addition of a measuring tape along the edge, just as you see in fabric stores. Purchase a metal measuring tape backed with peel off adhesive from a home center. Apply tape around the perimeter of the work surface, uncovering the adhesive as you go. Snip excess tape with utility scissors.
Well you sure are a very clever person I love it keep sharing ALL your great ideas :o)