Saturday, August 1, 2009

Beanbag Balls

These totally tossable, squishable balls are lightweight and easy to grip, making them perfect fpr novice jugglers, beanbag games or a gold old game of catch.
Craft Materials:

9 (11 inch) balloons ( for 3 balls )


2 1/4 cups of dried lentils



1.Stretch the first balloon by inflating it halfway,holding it closed for about 30 seconds, and deflating it.

2. Place a funnel in the balloon's neck and gradually pour in 3/4 cup of lentils,pushing them in as you go. The balloon should be firm but squeezable.

3.Snip off the balloon's thick rubber lip. Cut the neck off a second balloon and gently stretch the opening.

4.Ease the second balloon over the filled balloon, tucking in the neck as you go .

5.Cut the neck of the third balloon, stretch the opening, and ease it over the other two. Repeat this process to make a set of three balls,or however many you'd like.

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